Laboratory centrifuges are designed to separate liquid samples into fractions by centrifugal force. The desired effect is achieved due to the fact that the substances are deposited at different rates, depending on the mass and density of the particles included in their composition.
The use of centrifuges in medical practice has two main directions:
preparation of samples for clinical trials;
preparation of blood components for various medical procedures (transfusion, plasmolifting, etc.).
As a rule, effective separation of blood into fractions requires centrifugation for 5 minutes at a speed of 2900-3500 rpm.
After centrifugation of the blood, erythrocytes are at the very bottom, platelets and leukocytes are in the middle, and the plasma rises to the top. These cells are capable of naturally separating from the plasma in half a day under the influence of gravity alone and disintegrating into layers in accordance with their weight.
The use of centrifuges in medical practice has two main directions:
preparation of samples for clinical trials;
preparation of blood components for various medical procedures (transfusion, plasmolifting, etc.).
As a rule, effective separation of blood into fractions requires centrifugation for 5 minutes at a speed of 2900-3500 rpm.
After centrifugation of the blood, erythrocytes are at the very bottom, platelets and leukocytes are in the middle, and the plasma rises to the top. These cells are capable of naturally separating from the plasma in half a day under the influence of gravity alone and disintegrating into layers in accordance with their weight.
✅ Small centrifuge with 8-place angle rotor
✅ Compact design
✅ Max. RPM: 200 - 6000
✅ Max. RCF: 3461
✅ Timer: 1-99 min
✅ Maximum capacity: 8 * 15 ml, vacutainer adapters
✅ IVD compliant according to directive 98/79/EC
✅ Maximum noise level: ≤ 50 dB
✅ Impulse button for short cycle mode
✅ 2 independent acceleration and deceleration profiles
✅ Simple key operation
✅ Power: 200-240V, 50-60Hz, 100VA
✅ Weight: 9 kg
✅ Small centrifuge with 8-place angle rotor
✅ Compact design
✅ Max. RPM: 200 - 6000
✅ Max. RCF: 3461
✅ Timer: 1-99 min
✅ Maximum capacity: 8 * 15 ml, vacutainer adapters
✅ IVD compliant according to directive 98/79/EC
✅ Maximum noise level: ≤ 50 dB
✅ Impulse button for short cycle mode
✅ 2 independent acceleration and deceleration profiles
✅ Simple key operation
✅ Power: 200-240V, 50-60Hz, 100VA
✅ Weight: 9 kg
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